Wondering, "Where did the time go?"
Our little girl is now 3 years old, full of questions, determination, and just living one day at a time.
I question whether we have done a good job raising her so far, and come to the conclusion that we have certainly tried, and that we are learning each day, as she is, and know she's a happy, bright, healthy, and kind little girl, with such a sense of humor.
We were reminiscing over her baby-thru-recent pictures, and these are some of the pictures, and short clips we always get a crack-up, among some of her favorites.
It's especially sweet to see Estella taking such interest in certain pictures; she gets a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye, and confirms "That's me".

From the beginning she has known what she likes and doesn't like--
Yes, she's giving me the bird, not liking the fact that I put her in that cute little dress, when she was so comfortable in her onesie.
We're so proud she loves her vegetables, she loves yellow beans or green.
but not to sure about dried apricots, although loves fresh ones
She always has a great time with cousin Isabella a.k.a "My friend" as she would say.
Doesn't she laugh like Ernie from Sesame Street?
this post is to be continued...
As I have a request to play hide-n-seek with Estella, Daddy-O and Wally