Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Back on the wagon

Back on the wagon with blogging.  I'll do my best to keep it up.  

As our little world turned, we had Reifer family visit in March; Uncle Todd, Aunt Becky, and their twins, Zack & Abbie (Estella's age), and another handful of Reifer's, it was all good-times. We celebrated my 36th birthday, and even had a pinata, it was hilarious, the children wanted nothing to do with it, but the Adults went all-out. 

What else? In April we took a road trip to Yosemite, Placerville, Monterey, Carmel, & Big Sur (I asked Jake if we could move to Big Sur, and he said "Someday", it's so beautiful there) a nice vacation, we had wanted to make that road trip ages ago, and we're happy we finally did, because it will be an annual thing.
Also, in April news, we were surprise to find out I will be a Mother for the second time, Baby Reifer will arrive in early December.  We're all excited around here, Estella will usually ask "Mommy, is baby in your belly?" I'll respond "Yes", Estella will then say with a big smile on her face"let me see it!", my funny girl, I love her so much.  We have decided to keep the baby's sex a surprise, we did with Estella, and it was like x-mas when she arrived. 

what else? oh-yeah, we made the change from a PC to a Mac, wow, what a difference!  We wondered why we waited as long as we did.  We signed up for their one-on-one classes which will teach us what the Mac do, pretty exciting stuff.  Images to come.

On Estella news, she's growing so quickly, she's so independent, just earlier today she was playing with her "Hello Kitty" stamp collection, as you can imagine a 2 year old with ink, yep, she had ink all the way up her sleeves.  As she looked at her hands, she stated she was going to wash her hands, after a small eternity of quietness from the bathroom, I found her smothered with soap, she looked at me and said "Mommy, I wash my hands all by myself", I quietly nodded, as I watched her rub her hands together in the water, I realized how much she's learned this past year, from her vocabulary, coordination, politeness, to the social butterfly she is, to her curiosity, and the way she learns things.  This Mother's day she and I sat and looked at all her pictures, we laughed & giggle, I cried at times, and I wished there was more time in my days to keep playing with her...  

So, that's that!

BTW,  check out this delicious looking Baked Lemon Pasta post Pioneer woman hooked up, I can't wait to try it tonight, it looks so tasty.



Heather said...

Maria, I'm so happy for you and Jake! As Estella is, I can't wait to meet baby Reifer either. I love you guys and miss you! We need to hang out real soon!

Heather said...

BTW, I love Pioneer Women's website, she is WONDERFUL! I even have my sister reading it. My sister loves her homeschooling section.