Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Feast

A summer feast was presented 
of Flank steak, saute onions & perogies, Reifer corn, creamed Brussels sprouts and a loaf of rustic bread

A table was set for seven to dine, with a highchair for Lil' Estella Louise, and a car seat for young Rocco to join

We Feasted

Dessert came in as second runner up, 
of Angel cake, berries and cream
& after all was settled in the belly, a game of Badminton was played.

okay, I'll stop...  
I was trying to imitate the "Night before Christmas".  

So Yes, we had the pleasure of hosting a summer dinner for our favorite peeps, we dined like Kings & Queens; good food, lots of laughter, and an outdoor activity. 

At the end of the night Photo booth drew us in.... it's always a good laugh.

Aunt Maddy & Estella

Godfather John & Estella Louise

Daddy-O & his Baby Cakes

We laughed so hard we almost peed out pants--

This kind of laughter is SO needed for the soul!

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