Sunday, January 31, 2010

Got Milk?

I feel like a "Moo Moo"!

The hospital called and said "You forgot to take your milk home, we have 2 bags full" What? 
  I seriously need to look into donating this milk.


Heather said...
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Heather said...

I can help you with donating. I donated my milk when I had a huge amount. It wasn't as much as you, but it was more than Jaycee could drink. The way you have it stored is perfect, pretty much anyone will take it since it's in containers and not the plastic bags I used. I hope Victoria's doctor's appointment goes well tomorrow. Can't wait to hear the update. Love ya!

Michelle said...

HOLY DAIRY FARM!!!!!!!!!! That is a lot of milk.

Michelle said...

My girlfriend just had a great idea for all your milk - send it to Haiti!!!!!!!!! The babies could really use it.