Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Under the weather

Estella woke up with an ugly cough this morning (first cough in her life) and feeling "a little tired", she said.

I guess that's what happens when my sick niece, is kind enough to share her gum (right out of her mouth) with my kid.

So, we took it easy today; soaked up the warm sun and practiced covering our mouth when coughing & keeping our hands washed.

She wasn't tickled about having to stay away from her baby sister Victoria, but understood the importance of it. She actually stated "Mommy, I'm upset I can't play with my baby sister because I'm sick".

Kept Victoria away--

as we snacked al fresco and discussed the importance of a healthy diet and keeping our body hydrated.

Tonight I bathed her in a warm Eucalyptus bath, then massaged her little body with lavender oil. I hope this sickness passes us quickly and doesn't take any more victims in this household.


sdheather said...
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sdheather said...

Oh we pray the sickness passes quickly...
Love that last picture of sweet!

Michelle said...

Landon has had that "sickness" many times :( I always give him CAMU (very potent vitamin c) and then this SAMBUCUS - Elderberry, Echinacea and Propolis syrup. It's the Nature Way brank and it's all-natural. Baby Vicks on the chest helps too! Tis the season

Maria said...

YES, thank you for reminding me of those natural cures. I'm getting them today!