Thursday, June 4, 2009

I hear thunder...

Yesterday afternoon as I cleaned up the kitchen and Estella played with Baby dear, we heard thunder rolling.  Estella with a concerned look on her face asked "What was that noise?" I explained that sometimes when it rains there could be thunder, and that thunder makes a loud noise, she said "oh, I don't like it, I'm scared" and clutched to my leg.  I hugged her tightly and reassured her that it was just a really loud noise, and that the best thing to do on a thunder-rainy (our Big 10 minute of rain) day was to dance....  

So, we turned up the itunes and danced our little hearts out.  Estella quickly forgot about being scared of thunder, and danced her little heart out with Baby dear.  


Heather said...

Love that little girl! Too cute!

Michelle said...

CUTE - She would never survive here. Thunder and Lightening is an every day occurance - Sweet SD weather.

Jenifer said...

Estella dances like her dad!